And Moffett made such a hot lezzie! Later of course, she'd also offer herself to the bad guy (also to lull him into thinking she liked him), but the girl/girl action was what I liked so much about this one!

While the violence in the Kathy Shower scene was regretable, India Allen's successful effort to seduce dangerous/kinky Michelle Moffett was HOT, HOT, HOT!!! There's just something so incredibly sexy about a pretty, straight woman offering her body temptingly to a lesbian. I just really thought this otherwise so-so flick had some of the hottest not-always-consensual girl/girl encounters I've ever witnessed. The two women then begin kissing as Moffett removes her own clothes. Moffett quickly forgets her anger as Allen removes her towel and lays face down on the bed. Reviews Made In Hollywood Made In Hollywood Teen Videos Movie Trailers Moviefone's Unscripted.
When Moffett angrily confronts her after pounding for several minutes on the bathroom door, Allen innocently says she couldn't hear her over the water and then asks Moffett to give her a post-shower oil run. See the full list of Wild Cactus cast and crew including actors, directors, producers and more. She decides in desperation to get a message out while pretending to be taking a shower. Shortly thereafter, the bad guy drops off the married guy in the desert, and Allen finds herself the captive of these two murderous killers. She makes Allen uncomfortable when she approaches her totally nude to get a towell. Once is when they first meet in a grocery store, and later while she's taking a shower at Allen's house. The two couples strike up what appears to be an innocent friendship, although on at least two occasions, Moffett is looking at Allen with more-than-friendship in her eyes. The bad guy and his sexy dark haired girlfriend next run into a man and his wife: the beautiful India Allen.

There are no approved quotes yet for this movie. Later, however, he shoots Shower, which kind of ruins the eroticism of the entire scene. There are no featured reviews for Wild Cactus because the movie has not released yet (). While Shower lay there in terror, Moffett begins kissing and caressing her while the guy watches. He introduces his new girlfriend, and suggests they become better acquainted. Single barrel Wild Turkey comes to mind, but I have a responsibility to make sure. Find similar and related movies for Wild Cactus (1993) - Jag Mundhra on AllMovie. He acts like he's not angry at her for the role she played in his arrest (I think he had just broken out of jail or something like that). Cactus Theater, a revised movie house that features local talent in. Also Read: Liam Neeson and Lesley Manville Fight Breast Cancer in Ordinary Love Trailer (Video). Adult Situations Not For Children Nudity Profanity Strong Sexual Content Substance Abuse Violence. Shower's character is shocked and frightened to see him, but has no choice but to let them both in. The bad guy and his new kinky girlfriend (Moffett) drive to the trailer where his ex-girlfriend (Kathy Shower) lives. The two terrorize everyone they meet, including a man and his beautiful wife (India Allen). There doesn't seem to be any male hippie nudity to match, but Cera does go shirtless.Ĭrystal Fairy & The Magic Cactus will hit theaters July 12.Basically we've got a bad dude hooking up with a very sexy bad girl (Michelle Moffett). Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you. And the film does allude to a greater than normal amount of hippie nudity via Gabby Hoffman. I'll take them both, but when it comes to self indulgent Sundance films, this sort of thing is exactly what comes to mind. Personally, I'm much more intrigued by scary, disquieting Michael Cera than this goofy, awkward Michael Cera. One was the super creepy looking Magic Magic, and the other was this very loose looking drug movie. Crayon Shin-chan: My Moving Story Cactus Large Attack (, Kureyon Shinchan: Ora no Hikkoshi Monogatari Saboten Dai Shgeki) adalah sebuah film anime Jepang tahun 2015 yang diproduksi oleh Shin-Ei Animation. Michael Cera and Chilean director Sebastián Silva made two films together at roughly the same time, both of which premiered at this year's Sundance Film Festival.